Tuesday, 29 July 2014


I made the bracelets pictured above by simply  threading my choice of beads on to a piece of elastic.   Really easy first project to have a go at if you want to try some basic jewellery making skills.

It was my brothers birthday this week so we are celebrating with a BBQ at the weekend.  Should be fun.   I am going to make him a birthday cake so I will post it for you to look at once it is done ... only planning something simple though because it is the school holidays and the children's social life is pretty hectic!!


Thursday, 24 July 2014

A Visit to York Minster

We are staying in our caravan just outside York.  The weather has been glorious today and we had a great visit to York Minster.  The building was amazing and we enjoyed exploring it throughout the morning.

 We went on to visit the Yorkshire Museum and Gardens which was another fab place to visit. Learned lots about Romans there. Planning on a nice quiet session with my crochet this evening. Having a go at some socks. I will fill you in on this soon.
Bye for now
Von x

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Heart Card Tutorial


I realised I needed some Thank You cards as I am leaving my job to move on to a new one.  So I decided to create my own.  I used a 5inch by 5inch black card blank and then found 4 patterned papers of similar colours that I thought would compliment each other on the card.

Then I used a heart shaped punch to cut out 4 hearts from each of the papers.

Next, I carefully placed the hearts on the card so they were equally spaced apart. I began by laying out the top horizontal line and the first column.  Then added the rest, alternating the patterns to complete the rows.

Finally, I used foam sticky pads to attach each heart to the card and give it a three dimensional look.

I was really pleased with the finished card.  Quick and easy but looks really effective.  Have a go!

Bye for now!

Von x

Sunday, 6 July 2014


These cute little bookmarks make a great present for anyone who stills enjoy reading a good old fashioned book rather than using a kindle!    I love reading and as yet I have not been converted to reading from a kindle (I'm sure I will catch up eventually!)    Unfortunately reading just isn't something that I manage to fit in very often.    I can usually manage to read 1 or 2 books a year but this is usually when we are relaxing on holiday in the evening when the children are all snuggled up in their beds.  
I made this bookmark using accessories from my jewellery making kits.


Friday, 4 July 2014

Summer and Strawberries


Its that brilliant time of the year again with the long drawn out evenings and plenty of sunshine!  The lovely spell of weather we have had in the midlands this last week encouraged us to get out and about.  So off we went to pick strawberries at our local 'pick your own' farm.

 We returned home with a bumper basket and I must say they were soon gone....   

I have been enjoying some gorgeous flowers that a friend bought me too this week and their colours have really cheered me up throughout the week.

These got me thinking about making a Summer Wreath.  I'm thinking of fusing some sewing and crochet together.  I have bought some lovely print fabrics in green and I think I may make some leaves with this and then maybe some crochet flowers?  What do you think?  Any ideas?
Bye for now
Von x