Thursday, 30 October 2014

An Autumn Walk and continued progress with the 'Blanket a Long'.

Hi all,

We have had a very busy half term break but managed to get out this afternoon to enjoy the warm Autumn weather and one of our local parks.  We took the dogs to visit Pooley Country Park and enjoyed a lovely stroll along the canal and through the woodland.


The dogs loved the walk and we enjoyed it just as much.  The October sunshine was warm, and really, I did not need the coat I had put on.  We walked through the Silver Birch woodland and discovered no end of beautiful red mushrooms throughout the walk.  The colours were beautiful!

Well, after our walk I managed to find some time to photograph my progress with the 'Blanket a Long' from Zooty Owl Blog.  I have finally managed to complete Part 5 and 6 of the steps.  Here is a photo of the Popcorn Flower and Leaves squares from Part 5.
And I then ploughed on with Part 6 and managed to make the Box Stitch Squares which came out quite well, I thought.
I managed to sew these together last night to make 4 large squares as instructed on Zooty Owl's blog. 
So there we go, another two steps complete and on to the next one.  I will update you when I have managed to get round to completing these because there are another 4 larger squares - Zooty Mandala squares! 
Bye for now!
Von x

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Halloween - Spiders Web Made From Beads

Halloween never used to be something that we really bothered with until we had our two lovely children and now each year we make something new to add to our homemade Halloween decorations.  I love seeing the children get so excited about decorating the house.   This year I decided to have a go at making a spiders web from beads.   Here is a photo of the finished result ....


Sunday, 5 October 2014

Blanket a Long Making Progress


     Just a quick update on how I am getting along with my blanket making.  As you know, if you have been following the blog I am trying to keep up with Zelna over on ZootyOwl Blog.  In my last post, I had completed the small squares and since then I have sewn these together to make larger squares.

I have, then, worked on Zelna's next step making 8 "Popcorn Flower and Leaves" squares.  It has taken me a little longer to do these as I have been so busy lately but I have tried to find a sneaky five minutes here and there to manage to get these completed.  So here is another stack of granny squares ready for my ever increasing blanket.

So next step is part 6 of the "Blanket a Long" to make 8 Box Stitch Squares which are another batch of smaller squares.  I will post a picture as soon as they are done!

Bye For Now

Von x