Almost there... The Christmas holiday has been great to grab some moments to continue with my blanket. I have been very busy adding the borders to each of the squares and then joining them. I must say, it is a huge blanket and is great for these cold days we have been having this week. I have been quite happy snuggling underneath its warmth as I have been joining it together.
The next job is to complete the border and get rid of all those thread ends. Fingers crossed, I may get this done by the new year. I will show you better photos of the finished result then.
We have been having a lovely break and we have enjoyed taking our dogs for walks around our local area. We are very lucky to have some relaxing walks to get away from it all on our doorstep. One of our favourites is a walk along the canal that runs alongside our housing estate.
I hope you have all had a wonderful break and enjoyed your Christmas festivities. I hope to post my finished blanket in the near future.
Bye for now
Von x
well done von. The blanket looks fab. Always nice when you are near the end of a project and you can see the end result. definitely worth all your hard work