Sunday, 1 February 2015

Using Resin

At the last Create and Craft show we went to in November 2014  Yvonne, was getting all excited about using resin to create jewellery and came away with a resin starter kit to make her own creations.  I have always enjoyed jewellery making but had never given using resin much thought until then!     We watched a demonstration on how to use the resin and after that  I was itching to have a go so I also ended up coming home with a starter kit - an early Christmas present that I knew would bring me lots of fun creating different items. 
These are pictures of my first two creations.  
I am already thinking of my next resin creations so I will post back again soon to let you know what other creations I have made.   I would like to experiment with using moulds to create different shapes but I am not sure how successful that will be ... only one way to find out!!
Looking forward to the craft show in March. 



  1. Can't wait for the show in March. These look great! I have had a play too with my resin. I have been exploring using different media with it which is interesting! Some work, some don't! Von. Xxx

    1. Yes I must admit I too have had a few that didn't work but its fun to experiment. looking forward to seeing your creations on the blog xxxx

  2. Well done Julie, beautiful looking forward to seeing your future creations. Resin stand a definite then at the craft show. xx
